Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bicycle Wheel - in response to Ellie

Nearly all my yr 12 essays had the bicylce wheel in, along with two other works by Marcel Duchap including 'unhappy readymade' and another one that i cant quite remember its name, that's of a leather typewriter cover hanging from the ceiling.
I could tell you all about the revoloutionary kinetics of the 'bicycle wheel', the use of ready made materials, the personifications that can be applied, the emotional response from the audience depending upon the state of the wheel and the ground breaking element of audience interaction.
yay. good old HSC.
To be honset, i'm not sure if seeing this work brought me a whole lot of joy when I finally saw it. It, however, brought back fragmented memories of an essay that was once ingrained in my mind and is not anymore.

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