Monday, September 1, 2008

"In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes"

a little late, but this is referencing nat's presentation about pop art. There was a wonderful quote from Andy Warhol "In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes"

i think that future has come! because of sites like youtube we have what is known as the "internet celebrity", someone who will make a stupid or vaugley entertaining video, post it on the internet then become famous among the internet or in poular culture, and seen by thousands of people over the world, until the next video comes along.

I think Warhol would have loved to see the age of the internet


Meg said...

Very true.

Do you reckon if Warhol had lived today he'd just be another relatively unremarkable vlogger, trying to be kooky to make a name for himself?

Luke! said...

goodness i suppose thats possible, he could have been like perez hilton or something!