Sunday, August 31, 2008

To Master Luke

Hey Luke, I was thinking about your thoughts box, or wish box, or dream box, I can't remember exactly what it was..Anyway, It would be cool if you interpreted those thoughts from other people into drawings or paintings or poems or something.


Luke! said...

hey! it was a secret box! thats a great iudea, michelle, but i did promise that everyone's secrets would stay hidden!

M H said...

Well they will be...Hidden in your interpretation forever!

Gemma said...

i have actually been collecting other people's memories lately, for time, but i was reminded of your secret box Luke as i felt quite guilty leaving these memories exposed.

the strange thing is people willingly gave me these memories... but yeah to remove those secrets from the box would be like removing these sometimes deep meaningful memories from the confines of peoples minds.

i suppose the problem lies with the fact that these secrets or memories don't belong to us...

But in the end, they are simply pieces of paper and ink... the real secret or memory remains internally.

Meg said...

It'd be great to type them, print them out and display them. Though the content would obviously be deeply personal to the writer... maybe some safety could be found through anonymity? (Of course, you'd have to get clearance from the contributors first. Somehow.)

I've just always been fascinated by sites like, anonymous forums and the whole Postsecret phenomenon. Because contributors can remain faceless and nameless they are able to voice truths to the world that they couldn't otherwise without some sort of repercussions.
Everyone seems to become more open when that element of self preservation is removed :P

Luke! said...

yeah see i thought people would be quite open when i explained its annonymous and they will stay hidden, but people were still very cautious about writing the secrets and lots of people said they ust wrote stupid stuff anyway.. But then i suppose theres the whole trust element, like how did they know i wasnt going to record who wrote what and display them everywhere i suppose...