Tuesday, October 14, 2008

All about space and scale

Stephen C Levinson's section on Anthony Gormelys work in "Some of the Facts"  call number - 730.92 GOR 4  discusses space and place. It is worth while reading the whole thing.  It discusses different perceptions of space and proposes that our perception of space is egocentric (page 80). Interestingly our left and right up and down front and back are not universals though they are based on the symetry of our bodies.  The Mexican Tenejapans have no words for left and right, back and front. Rather, because their relationship to their environment is different so is their mapping of space.
It is this egocentric idea about space -"how the coordinates of the body come to frame the universe.. the planes of the body, left and right, front and back, up and down are said to give us the regions of space. It is egocentric - each such frame is our private frame, and so Gormley's body is the model." that is being explored by Gormley when he uses casts of his body as his sculptural tool.
Even if you are not interested in Gormley this essay will get you thinking. page 69 to 109.

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