Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Danks Street Gallery

I Have been snooping about Danks Street on Saturdays - not open Sundays - and there are a couple of things that I thought were worth mentioning - Caroline Rannersberger in gallery Thirty Seven has a number of landscape paintings with a graphic touch. These are comments on colonial Australia se says " I was caught then by the idea of the European gaze constructing the landscape" - not sculpture but interesting given the theory lectures.
There is also an exhibition of sculpture in Carrara marble by Joseph Sabadash in Depot 2 gallery. The curators etc. in these galleries are usually really helpful.. often you get to speak to the artists. I'm of to visit Peter francis Lawrence's workshop to meet Joseph (Peter promotes Joseph's work".  The sculptures are based on organic forms - plant forms (but to me they evoke micro biology forms). The surfacing of the marble is interesting.
If you go to Dank St. pop in on the Porters Paints store at Bourke Street Waterloo. They have some great products for patinas such as iron rust - lack & white and copper that you could use on concrete products, wood or other materials. 

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